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Be the Recipe for Change

With your help, no woman will go hungry in Hamilton

Fight Food Insecurity in our Community

Hunger and food insecurity are on the rise in our community. Women experiencing homelessness struggle to find enough to eat each day and many free or low-cost programs have closed their doors due to Covid-19.

Facing daily hunger creates barriers for women as they try to cope with the challenges of the pandemic, finding employment and securing permanent affordable housing.

Your gift will impact 5,000+ people annual

Here's How You Can Help






1 Meal

= $4.62

5 Meals

= $23.10

10 Meals

= $46.20

20 Meals

= $92.40

65 Meals

= $300

About our In Person Be the Recipe Cooking Experiences

Due to Covid-19, YWCA Hamilton has had to pause our in-person cooking experiences to protect the health of our residents, staff and volunteers. We greatly miss bringing together friends and colleagues to cook in our At The Table social enterprise cafe and hope to be able to do so again soon safely.

Your support for our Be the Recipe for Change program still matters. Please consider making a one-time or monthly gift to provide meals to the women who call YWCA Hamilton home or create your own ‘Fight Food Insecurity’ online fundraiser to tackle one of the most important issues in our community.

Other Ways to Be the Recipe for Change

Partner with us for a custom pop-up dining experience where ticket sales fund meals for women in need

Donate a percentage of sales from your business to support Be The Recipe for Change

Provide meals prepared in a commercial kitchen that we can serve to the women in our care

Host a non-perishable food drive for single serve and to-go food items including granola bars, add-water soup cups, etc.

For More Information

If any of these ideas sound exciting to you, please contact us to learn more!

Heather Barkley Photo

You can Be the Recipe for Change!

To learn more, please contact:

Heather Barkley (She/Her)
Director of Philanthropy

YWCA Hamilton

(905) 522-9922 ext. 156

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