Committed to Keeping Our Community Safe

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Yesterday we learned that a client in one of our facilities has tested positive for COVID-19. The client who has been confirmed with the virus is a resident at Wesley Supported Apartments, one of our Developmental Services programs in partnership with Wesley Urban Ministries. This client is experiencing mild symptoms and is self-isolating in their residence.

Family members of the affected clients and staff at both YWCA Hamilton and Wesley Urban Ministries have been notified, as was, of course, Public Health. We are working very closely with our partners at Wesley Urban Ministries to align our efforts and ensure the best care possible for our staff and clients. We are committed to keeping our staff and those we serve safe.

With this news, we have enhanced usage of personal protective equipment (PPE) as identified by Public Health along with strengthened safety measures. Staff who work at the site continue to self-monitor and we have increased our screening procedures to twice daily.  Public Health has increased its response to our need for PPE and together we are planning for the testing of staff and clients within the impacted area.

We know how much anxiety this has caused across all areas of our organization. And while we acknowledge that this situation is new ground for us, we continue to work closely with Public Health and our partners to ensure we are equipped should the outbreak spread.

We will continue to keep the public informed as new information emerges.

Stay safe,

Denise Christopherson's signature

Denise Christopherson



Photo by Mika Baumeister on Unsplash