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Customer Complaint Form

We’re here to help… At YWCA Hamilton we are committed to offering the very best in customer service. If you have a complaint, we encourage you to let us know and give us the opportunity to resolve the issue. We promise to address your complaint quickly, efficiently, and professionally, as retaining your confidence and trust is of the utmost importance. We truly value your feedback. Please tell us what happened using the form below.

You may attach the completed form to the body of an email and send to: feedback@ywcahamilton.org.

You may also bring the completed form to one of our locations (75 MacNab Street South or 52 Ottawa Street), or mail it to the following address:

YWCA Hamilton – Quality Assurance 75 MacNab Street South Hamilton, Ontario L8P 3C1

You may attach the completed form to the body of an email and send to: feedback@ywcahamilton.org.

You may also bring the completed form to one of our locations (75 MacNab Street South or 52 Ottawa Street), or mail it to the following address:

YWCA Hamilton – Quality Assurance 75 MacNab Street South Hamilton, Ontario L8P 3C1

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