Did you know?
YWCA Hamilton offers women a quick way to help protect themselves online.
You may have noticed the “Quick Escape” icon that appears in the bottom right-hand corner of our website. With a click of this button, our users will immediately be redirected to another website.
The Quick Escape button allows users who may be researching sensitive programs, including programs for women experiencing violence, to immediately navigate away from our site to help protect their safety. It also gives women more privacy if they’re using a computer in a public space.
The Quick Escape button appears on every page of our website and remains in the same position, even as you scroll up or down. It’s one of the many ways, big and small, that YWCA Hamilton helps support women in our community.
If you need more information about how our programs and services support women and families experiencing violence, you can find it here.
To help end violence against women, consider joining us for Walk a Mile in Her Shoes.