Help us make the holidays special for women and children in Hamilton

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If you’re looking for a holiday-themed activity that’s fun for the whole family AND makes a positive impact on marginalized communities in Hamilton, look no further.


YWCA Hamilton is seeking gift wrappers, card makers and and holiday decorators on Sunday December 22 to help make this holiday special for women and children in our community.


You and your family will wrap gifts and create holiday cards for the women and children who access our housing and Family Access programs, providing them with the opportunity to celebrate the holidays with joy and dignity.


And, yes, we need your holiday decorating skills, too. Why? To decorate the space where the JR DiGS Acoustic Christmas concert will take place – a concert that generously benefits YWCA Hamilton programs and services.


Drop in to The Music Hall at New Vision United Church at 24 Main Street West in Hamilton anytime between 1p.m. and 5p.m. on Sunday December 22 and share your creative flair. You can choose to wrap gifts, create cards, decorate the space or all of the above.


Fill out a Volunteer Sign-Up Form or contact Emma Fisher-Cobb for more details at 905-522-9922 ext. 315