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Carole Anne’s Place (CAP)

Low-barrier drop-in overnight and day shelter for unsheltered women and non-binary individuals in Hamilton.

Carole Anne's Place (CAP)

Carole Anne’s Place (CAP) is a low-barrier drop-in for unsheltered women and non-binary individuals in Hamilton.  Individuals accessing the drop in are provided with meals, access to showers and basic needs, low barrier health care, harm reduction and withdrawal management services, safe drug use space from 10:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m., systems navigation and shelter referrals, advocacy, care planning and coordination.   

Staff provide support within a trauma-informed lens that incorporates a gender-based analysis of homelessness and harm reduction.  External services attend on a weekly basis to provide access to additional services including access to housing supports, outreach, mental health, legal and peer support.  Access to low barrier sexual and reproductive health care needs are available onsite as well as through the Shelter Health Midwifery team on an on call / as needed basis. 

Carole Anne’s Place provides these critical services in partnership with St. Joseph’s WomanKind Addiction Services, HAMSMaRT, Shelter Health Network and Keeping Six.  

Carole Anne’s Place is located within YWCA Hamilton’s MacNab Street location, access is located at the Hunter Street, side entrance from 10:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. daily on a first come first serve basis. 

There’s an affordable housing crisis in Hamilton

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Access to showers

Meals and essential items

Harm reduction and withdrawal management

Safe use space and mental health support

Onsite staff support

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Housing & Gender Based Violence Support Services Stories

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