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Phoenix Place

Safe housing and wrap around supports for women and children fleeing gender-based violence at a confidential location in Hamilton.

Phoenix Place

Phoenix Place provides support for women and children fleeing gender-based violence. This second-stage 5-unit housing program in a confidential location in Hamilton to help ensure the safety of the women and children who call it home. Phoenix Place offers a safe refuge for families and is situated within a quiet neighbourhood in a beautiful century home.   

Those residing within Phoenix Place receive trauma informed individual and group support through our Transitional Housing Support Worker.  Throughout a resident’s stay staff provide counseling, housing support, appointment accompaniment, legal referral, safety planning, children’s counselling referrals and client advocacy.   

Women and their families are able to reside at Phoenix Place for up to one year while they await transition into permanent, safe and affordable housing. In addition to second-stage housing, women and children residing at Phoenix Place receive access to ongoing support, basic needs for their family, private furnished units, secured building and laundry access.   

After a resident moves on from Phoenix Place, our Transitional Housing Support Worker can continue to provide transitional support and outreach services for up to one year after discharge. 

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Quiet, safe private apartments

24-hour staff support and safety planning

Mom and child counselling

Mental health support services

Client advocacy, referrals and support securing permanent housing

Housing & Gender Based Violence Support Services Stories

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