To all YWCA Hamilton members, clients and visitors,
We understand and share in your concern around the risks associated with the coronavirus and know you might have questions about how we are working to keep you and your loved ones safe.
We want you to feel safe in our programs and because of that, we have been planning. Below you can find a list of what we are doing:
- We are asking everyone to self-monitor for symptoms.
- We have activated our Emergency Response Team and our Pandemic Plan.
- We have emergency supplies on hand.
- We are advising everyone to follow travel advisories.
- We are asking those who are not feeling well to remain home.
- We have enhanced communication on handwashing, contact with others and respiratory health protocols.
- We have increased our cleaning protocols, especially in high touchpoint and traffic areas like elevators, doorknobs, light switches, etc.
- We have introduced a 10-to-1 bleach solution for programs in areas where shared equipment is in use such as the Fitness Centre.
- We have added additional hand sanitizing stations in high traffic locations.
The risk of contracting the virus in Hamilton is still low, according to Hamilton Public Health. We will continue to refer to the World Health Organization, the Public Health Agency of Canada, the Ontario Ministry of Health and Hamilton Public Health for information, and keep you updated on this evolving situation.