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Settlement Services

Newcomer Community Events

Settlement Services

Meet our Settlement Counsellors and get help

If you are a newcomer identifying as a woman, gender-diverse or non-binary, and looking for support in your settlement journey, please connect with our Settlement Counsellors to provide a comprehensive range of services and support to help you settle in your new community.

Our Counsellors provide:

One-on-one and group settlement counselling on the topics related to housing, education, health
care, transportation, and more

Referrals to other community agencies and government services

Assistance in filling the forms and applications like:

  • Ontario work and ODSP
  • Social Insurance Number
  • Daycare registration and subsidy
  • PR card renewal
  • Child tax benefits, and other income supports
  • College & OSAP applications
  • Citizenship application
  • Ontario Health Card (OHIP)
  • Other government forms/ applications

Assistance with making appointments and connecting with other services like:

  • Doctors & dentists
  • Driving test
  • School enrolments
  • Banks
  • Hospitals
  • Other related Services

Please note we only assist in filling the forms with the information you provide but do not advise or suggest anything on our own.

Find out if you’re eligible

In-person services are available at 75 MacNab Street South Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We also partner with Munar Learning Centre to offer counselling services in Somali language for women identified immigrants and newcomers. Online support is also offered via telephone, MS Teams and Zoom.

To participate in the Join Program, participants must:

  • identify as a woman, non binary person or gender-diverse newcomer and,
  • be selected by IRCC as a Permanent Resident, Protected Person/Convention Refugee or a Live-in Caregiver: Temporary Foreign Worker with an approved work permit

Ready to Join?

To register, complete our online application below.

Have questions about our settlement services? Contact us!

Svitlana Bondarenko
Settlement Counsellor
Languages: English, Ukrainian & Russian
Email: SBondarenko@ywcahamilton.org
Cell: 365-323-2283

Asha Dirir
Settlement Counsellor
Languages: English, Somali & Arabic
Email: ADirir@ywcahamilton.org
Cell: 365-323-0788

Tamanna Jaliss
Settlement Counsellor
Languages: English, Farsi & Dari
Email: tjaliss@ywcahamilton.org
Cell: 289-260-6064

Resources for Newcomer Children and Youth with Diverse Learning Needs

In partnership with the Centre for Diverse Learners, YWCA Hamilton supports newcomer children/parents/guardians/caregivers/families of diverse learners in Hamilton to understand diverse learning needs and navigate school systems to obtain support so their children can recover and thrive in a post-pandemic world. We assist parents and children by providing the following resources:

  1. Parent Support Appointments for Newcomers

Talk to experts from our partner organization, Centre for Diverse Learners, to discuss the resources available to assist your child with diverse learning needs. Click on the following link to book a call. If you need help booking a call, feel free to contact one of our settlement Counsellors:

Click here to book a Resource Facilitation Call

  1. Tutoring – Mastering Mathematics

Need free-of-cost maths tutoring for your diverse learner. The Mastering Mathematics program is designed to help newcomer children in grades 2-10 gain confidence and shift their mindset toward mathematics so that they can achieve academic success. Register in our Diverse Learner Tutoring Program.

Location: Kiwanis Homes 6 Acorn Street – Meeting Room

Dates: Monday & Wednesday

Time: 5-6 PM OR 6:30-7:30 PM

Register Here

  1. Informational and Educational Workshops

CDL offers workshops on a variety of subjects, such as ADHD, IEP interventions, and mental health support. As a YWCA client, you can gain access to these workshops at no cost. Talk to one of our counsellors to inquire about upcoming sessions.

About JOIN

Settlement Counselling

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Support for Gender Based Violence

2SLGBTQIA+ Safe Space

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