YWCA Hamilton Schedules
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To learn more about the programs, services and events offered across our department areas check out our schedule below.
1. Choose the Department by the colour blocks.
2. Use our filter bar below to narrow down your search. You may filter by Department, Programs, Date/Time.
3. Still can’t find your program or event? Try using our search bar below.
Note: Our schedule is a work in progress. Check back soon as we continue to add programming across all department areas.

Ontario works & ODSP Information session ( Violence Against Women and Gender Based Violence Services)
- This event has passed.
7 July 2022 at 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Events Navigation
This information session is open for folks to ask any questions and get a better understanding of how Ontario Works and Ontario Disability Support Program operate. Please note this session will be recorded and accessible to watch later on for those who register.
Arabic translation will be provided.
Online Via Zoom
For more information or to register, please contact:
Heena Vasdev
email: hvasdev@ywcahamilton.org
tel: (365) 324-0252