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Host a Fundraising Event


Host an Event

Fill out our event registration form. We will get back to you within 5 business days to let you know if your event has been approved.

When your event is approved, we will provide you with an event toolkit – an easy-to-use document that will help keep your event on track, plus approved YWCA Hamilton logos and social media support. You will also be given access to your own fundraising page on our fundraising platform.

Have you ever considered hosting a fundraising event or party in support of YWCA Hamilton?

Community-based events are a great way to increase awareness of YWCA Hamilton’s programs and services and an even greater way to inspire others with your passion for bettering the lives of women, girls and families in Hamilton! When you host an event in support of YWCA Hamilton, you are supporting critical programs and services that make a huge impact on the entire community.

Want to get started but not sure how?
We will support you from start to finish!

  • we have vast fundraising experience and expertise
  • we’ll provide you with a toolkit to pull off a fabulous event
  • you will have the opportunity to choose which YWCA Hamilton program will benefit from your event
  • we’ll provide you with your own peer-to-peer fundraising platform designed specifically for your event
  • we’ll highlight your event on all YWCA Hamilton social media social channels

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