YWCA Staff run half-marathon in support of programming for breast cancer survivors

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Amazing things happen when women support women – particularly when it makes a positive impact on their health.

That’s exactly what happened when two YWCA Hamilton Staff members, Manager of Capital Projects Sarah Borde and Health & Wellness Manager Rachelle Ingrao, ran the Road 2 Hope half marathon to help raise funds needed for YWCA Hamilton’s programs for breast cancer survivors.

On Sunday Nov. 6, Sarah and Rachelle ran 21.1 kilometres for ENCOREplus — the umbrella program that includes YWCA Encore, Pilates Beyond Breast Cancer and other programs that support women in different stages of their recovery. Together, Sarah and Rachelle raised $2,455 to help power the programs that offer a lifeline of support to those who have experienced breast cancer.

“I think It’s really important that I’m role modeling to staff what it looks like to be well-rounded in terms of physical, mental, and emotional health – and if I’m able to support my own well being while being a role model – that’s really impactful. It makes me feel good,” said Rachelle.

“I feel like I’ve accomplished something,” said Sarah. “It’s not difficult compared to someone who has cancer who has to go to treatment. For me, it’s not much, and if I can help, that’s great.”

Sarah and Rachelle ran much of the marathon side by side, and were cheered on by YWCA colleagues and friends. For both women, running in support of such a worthy cause helped motivate them to keep going.

“It was the most heart I feel like I ever put into a race,” Rachelle said. Encore is one of the many ways that YWCA Hamilton provides vital healthcare services in our community. YWCA Hamilton provides a variety of health care services, including crucial crisis response programs, health promotion and prevention programs like EncorePlus, and programs that support the mental health and well-being of marginalized groups.

However, most of our programs do not receive direct health care funding – including EncorePlus. That’s why we are so grateful to generous members of our community – including Sarah and Rachelle – for ensuring that we can continue to offer these life-changing programs to those who need it the most.

Thank you so much, Sarah and Rachelle, and congratulations on completing your half marathon!

Learn more about EncorePlus:

Sarah runs the half-marathon
Sarah runs the half-marathon
Rachelle after crossing the finish line.
Rachelle after crossing the finish line.
Sarah (left) and Rachelle (right) on race day.
Sarah (left) and Rachelle (right) on race day.

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